Thursday, April 03, 2008

I can hear the heart beating as one

"I could hear my heart beating. I could hear everyone's heart. I could hear the human noise we sat there making, not one of us moving, not even when the room went dark"

Raymond Carver

1. I am a social monster.

2. Some "art":

This one's a portrait of Rafael Tonatiuh as a Garbage Pail Kid. Tona's just published his brand new book called Gángsters de ultratumba, a long time after El cielo de los gatos. I thought of drawing the "b" version of this "sticker" I but probably won't. I'm a lazy ass.

On Planet Terror. When graphics are so cool, what else can you do but try to re-interpret them? This is the Blumpi verion of the poster.


These two are for Nick magazine. The mag is cool. Working for kids thrills me. I feel free to do whatever I want to, and when it's about children, you can experiment more. Grownups are square. Working for Televisa, I don't know why, thrills me, too. After many, many years, I'm back in there. I used to illustrate for , Eres, and Eres Niños, and working in a mag where cats like Johnny Ryan have published makes me feel fine.

3. I couldn't mention this before, but in this bi-month's Metapolitica (ish 58) you can read my piece on Norman Mailer. The article is called "Norman Mailer, un moralista demasiado franco".

Yup, it looks like the one in Replicante -that one called "Norman Mailer, entre dioses y demonios"- but...

well, they're basically the same, but there are some important differences between them. I won't tell the whole story on why and how this happened, but for the text for Metapolítica I was able to read El castillo en el bosque and some other books by Mailer, whereas for the one for Repli I just couldn't.

Anyway, I feel proud of this text, it's become one of my favs. Hope you can read it.

4. Well, it looks like I've finally found some space for posting. On holidays, we hung out like there was no tomorrow. We spent every other day in a bar, cantina or party. We met all kinds of people. It was funny to meet some resentful guys like I hadn't met for years. The kind I thought were extinct now. The moment she knew I write about/draw comics, a girl was trying to preach me with her absolutely outdated Mattelart/Dorfman kind of ideas. Pure bullshit. Old hippies. On the other hand, I came across some guys I hadn't seen for ages, such as Alfonso Morcillo and Mauricio Bares. It amazed me.

5. I feel like posting in English. If you want to comment, you can do it in Spanish. It's just that I feel comfortable in doing so.

6. Comadre: soy de lo pior.


Anonymous said...

as usual, i end looking for the "Mattelart/Dorfman kind of ideas" out there in the tubes; es medio aca saber que todavia hay quien cree que en propaganda y mensajes ocultos blah blah blah dominacion mundial etc

(ese librito ha de ser bien divertido :))


Unknown said...

No sabia que ya desapareció La Mosca. Y pues era de esperarse, ya no hablaba de nada interesante, más que de lo mismo y los mismos grupos o artístas. ¿Quién se la llevó entre las patas?
Y me sigue dando gusto que Replicante siga en pie y por todos lados. Y que tú sigas ilustrando y publicando. Que gran gusto, la verdad. Yo sigo haciendo algo de foto, pero el encargo termina por consumirme, la foto personal la he dejado un poquito aparte, trataré de seguir en ello pronto.
Te mando un fuerte abrazo y como siempre aquí ando, aunque escondida y aveces a medias.
Un beso!

Jimiescu said...

Pinche guerensia, si que se ponen duros, hasta parece antro nice... y con lo me cagan los cadeneros (¿o cancerberos?). Pero bueno, con un poco de valor y valedrismo como el tuyo, dejo mi opinión a ver si pasa el filtro. Hace tanto que no escuchaba de las Garbage Pail Kid. Ta bueno tu blog.