Monday, October 01, 2007


Esta semana me publicaron esta ilustracioncilla en Milenio Semanal por aquello de la muerte de Marcel Marceau:
... y hace tiempo hice esto para Replicante:

En lo personal, los mimos, payasos y botargas me dan horror. Marcel Marceau siempre me dio hueva, aunque tiene su lado interesante. En estos días estoy checando algunos materiales sobre Sergio Aragonés -¿no lo conocen?- para algo que espero se materialice en el futuro cercano. Transcribo de una entrevista de 1984 para The Comics Journal conducida por Kim Thompson:

THOMPSON: You studied mime.
T: With some interesting people.
A: Yes, Alexandro Jodorowsky.
A: And while we were in the group , Marcel Marceau came into town. That was a total revelation. I had seen pantomime in movies, like Jean-Louis Barrault. But when we saw him live... We had student passes. I went everyday. I couldn't help it. And Alexandro Jodorowsky was with Marceau's troupe. He had written pieces for Marceau. One of the most important pieces that Marceau does was written by Jodorowsky.
Jodorowsky's an incredible talent. Besides comics and theatre and movies, he did Fando y Lis, El Topo and Holy mountain. He's a superb mime -a super technician with an incredible capacity for mime. So he stayed in Mexico and opened a school of pantomime. And I joined the group not to become a mime, but to apply mime to cartooning. But eventually I got involved with the whole thing. When Jodorowsky was with Marceau he'd come out with a title card, "The butterfly catcher" or whatever the title was, and they would write it in the language of whatever country they were in. So we figured out, with my cartoons we would even go one step beyond. Without words, I would draw what was going to happen. So when we were doing the pantomimes, I would appear in my costume and I would draw what was going to happen. If it was a magician, I would draw a magician instead of writing "The Magician".
A: I think I profited a lot from being with Alexandro.
Son los años de Aragonés en México, como estudiante de ingeniería que encuentra que la caricatura es lo suyo... antes de emigrar a NY y formar parte de la MAD de los años de oro.


Anonymous said...

Aragonés era la hostia. Lo conocí estando bien chavita, un amigo de la secundaria era un clavado de los cómcis y me hizo leerlo. Hasta la fecha se lo agradezco. ¿En qué está metido ahora?

sirako said...

oh sí, amo a aragonés.

Unknown said...

Wow! Que interesante. No conosco a Aragonés (buscaré algo de él).
Pero, no tenía ni la menor idea de que Jodorowsky escribía para Marceu. Que decir de Marcel Marceu, era un buen mimo, pero antes de eso su estructura fue de un interprete. Y por esto mismo tampoco quiere decir que haya sido un artísta totalmente inmaculado.
Mi madre me ha contado de Marceu, lo vió en Paris en los 70's.
No es de mi total agrado tampoco!

Un gran saludo BLUMPI !!